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Ugur Can EROL

Ugur Can EROL

Uğur Can Erol is a proven professional in the field of architecture and interior architecture, specialized in providing innovative and sustainable design solutions. Erol, who started his career in internationally renowned architecture firms, has been successfully managing his own architecture and design studios under the names "Atölye Semt" in Turkey and "UCE Studio" in Europe since 2012. Combining functionality, aesthetics and sustainability in his designs, Erol is known for his passion for making spaces not only livable, but also places with a story and inspiration. While his customer-oriented approach and attention to detail form the basis of the success of his projects, his mastery of advanced architectural software and tools enable him to turn this unique vision into reality. Uğur Can Erol is an educator who enjoys transferring his knowledge and experiences to future generations by giving architecture courses at Istanbul Bilgi University and Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture, and is also an architect who inspires the future with the value he adds to the world of architecture and the impressive projects he creates.

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